What size dumpsters do you provide?

15 Yard Dumpster - 16 feet x 7.5 feet x 4.5 feet, 4,000-6,000 pounds
20 Yard Dumpster - 22 feet x 7.5 feet x 4.5 feet, 4,000-6,000 pounds
30 Yard Dumpster - 22 feet x 7.5 feet x 6 feet, 7000-10,000 pounds

What areas do you service?

Essentially we service the D.C Metropolitan area which encompasses, Northern Virginia, PG County, Montgomery County and Washington D.C

What sort of materials do you handle?

Once we set up a delivery date and time, we will honor the date/time set with your dumpster and charge the delivery fee.

Do you protect the flooring when you do a project

We use masonite down on the surface or we use dropcloth for indoors and we use plywood outdoors when it comes to dumpsters

How does payment work?

We do accept credit cards and checks but we prefer to send invoice links through Intuit or paypal.

How does dumpster delivery process work?

Once we set up a delivery date and time, we will honor the date/time set with your dumpster and charge the delivery fee.

After seven days, rental fees apply.

What kind of materials do you take for Junk/bulk removal?

We take everything except hazardous materials which include chemicals, tires and propane containers.

Do you take credit cards?

We accept all forms of credit/debit cards!

Do you have other questions?

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